¡Qué interesante!
Like many others out there, I decided to start my first blog! I find myself with less time for journal writing these days...but plenty of time for emailing. This is a way of keeping those details that I share with you all for myself as well. I hope you'll check in to see what's up with the Kardos family in Rhode Island. We want you to join us in all our new adventures! Come along! Please comment freely!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Weekend ROCKS!
So we hosted another Memorial Weekend party...an annual event for the Kardos clan. It is such fun to have all of our friends together - and a sweet bonus that the kids slept at mama's house. Our friends, both old and new, joined us in celebrating and we had a blast.
Thank you sunshine for cooperating.
Thank you Mom for taking the boys.
Thank you babes & toddlers for cooperating.
Thank you friends for all the goodies you brought.
Thank you friends for all the laughs.
Good times.
Good times.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Potty Training (# 1)
When it comes to "number 2" Drew would rather dance around the living room in suffering than let it go on the potty. I've tried everything: reading with him on the potty, bringing his potty into the bathroom and sitting alongside him, putting the potty in front of the tv, offering endless rewards, giving him privacy... Alas, he refuses. (Or rather he is scared to death!) So, he does # 2 at night or naptime when he's got his diaper on.
I refuse to let that be a shadow over this exciting time : Drew is peeing in the potty! All day every day! Hip hip horray!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Children's Museum
In recent conversations with friends, I've realized a few things:
1. In order to have a trust-worthy child, you have to trust your child.
2. If you are a confident parent, you can handle it - whatever "it" may be.
3. Shit is going to happen whether you are right next to your child or steps away. That's because shit happens. It's life. What matters is how you manage it. (Refer to #2!)
Ok, with that behind me...
The kids and I met Kathy & Alex at the Children's Museum today. We had such a blast. Here are some fun pictures!!
Dean update
My baby Dean is no longer...
no longer a baby.
I remember Drew's first year:
I couldn't wait for the next milestone.
When will he crawl? Pull up? Walk? Talk?
I was so eager and encouraging of this development.
The second time around is so different.
Each milestone Dean reaches I proclaim, "He's already..." and I sigh. Where is my baby? Dean has been crawling for quite some time. Now I will add that he can pull up to his knees & standing position (while holding on to anything!) and he's even taking a step or two! He can use the snack trap with ease...loves his born free sippy cups...and is even using the spoon (if I am in the mood for a mess). He's signing "more" and waving hello/goodbye. He's self-entertained (or Drew-entertained); he's still a great sleeper (day or night); and he laughs often. He's an easy-going guy, very affectionate with those he knows and loves.
Dean brings much joy to this family...and he's growing so quickly!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Skin Care